
Hey there, I'm Deepanshu Mehra, a Software Developer currently based in India.

I specialise in designing and developing JS/TS Fullstack applications, some of my creations are “SIH Hospital App”, “Foxulate AI App” and “Dhawal’s Portfolio”.

I love exploring and discovering new things and hold a great appreciation for creative works. Designing and Developing websites allows me to channel that passion into work. Go through my “Entire Portfolio of Projects here”. Collaborate with me through Github, Figma. Get in touch with me through Mail, Twitter, LinkedIn.

  • Mobile UI
  • Framework
  • Webpage UI/UX
  • Bare HTML
  • Canvas
  • Mobile UI/UX project, showcasing my expertise in crafting intuitive user interfaces. Throughout the project, I delved into the intricacies of user experience, meticulously analyzing user flows and creating detailed Data Flow Diagrams (DFDs).

    My design approach prioritized seamless navigation and user engagement, resulting in a visually appealing and user-friendly mobile interface.



    In this project I Started working with React and used third-party libraries to help build Hospital Bed Allotment Website and started to become familier with React and its JS ecosystem.

    This Application also features Dashboard for reporting to hospital for their availability.

    From UI/UX to Development I have Build this project alone.


    Github Figma

    In this project I Started working with NextJS and used third-party libraries to help build Writer's companion Website and started to become familier with NEXTJS and its paradigms.

    This project is using Hugging Face DistilBERT transformer to help feed words that falls on same context.


    Github Figma

    In this project I experimented with new syntax and patterns in React 18, such as the useTransition hook and suspenseful rendering.

    This application is a clone of Unsplash image searching application while using Unsplash API



    I created multiple Desktop UI/UX designs. Crafting user interfaces tailored for various desktop applications, I prioritized not only aesthetics but also user-friendliness

    These projects were my canvas for showcasing proficiency in both UI and UX, ensuring seamless and enjoyable desktop experiences across diverse contexts.



    This project was made in order to learn the core working of the SPA applications core working. I have created this website as SPA without making use of any of the frameworks.

    I learned a lot when implementing using the core Internet Technologies.

    HTMLCSSTSIntersection ObserverHistory API Assessebility

    Github Figma

    This website has been developed without any framework, solely made on HTML, CSS and TS, with Vite as dev server.

    I decided to give this website a minimalist look that is inspired from book Chapter page.

    HTMLCSSTSWebAPIs aria attributes

    Github Figma

    Currently Experimenting and Learning Canvas API and WebGl...